A step-by-step guide for starting Intraday Trading

What is Intraday Trading?

Intraday trading, also known as day trading, is a trading strategy that involves buying and selling financial assets within the same trading day. In this approach, traders aim to profit from short-term price movements in various financial markets, such as stocks, commodities, currencies, or derivatives, without holding any positions overnight.

The primary goal of intraday trading is to take advantage of price volatility that occurs during the trading day. Traders analyze market trends, technical indicators, and news events to identify potential opportunities. They make quick buy and sell decisions, often executing multiple trades throughout the day.

How to do Intraday Trading?

To engage in intraday trading successfully, it is crucial to follow the following things, given the relatively higher risks associated with this form of trading.

1. Select highly Liquid Stocks

Liquidity stands as a paramount characteristic when it comes to intraday stocks, as it underpins the feasibility of such trading. Stocks of small and mid-cap companies that exhibit high liquidity can be swiftly bought and sold, making them ideal for intraday trading. These stocks also tend to experience significant price fluctuations due to market dynamics and provide ample opportunities for traders.

2. Analyze Cyclical Trends

To make informed decisions, closely monitor cyclical variations by scrutinizing 52-week high and low values. This analysis provides valuable insights into whether you should adopt long or short positions when trading intraday. By gauging these extremes, you can better assess the market’s direction and tailor your strategy accordingly.

3. Consider Volatility

The best intraday stocks often feature medium to high volatility in their price movements. Typically, it is advisable to avoid stocks with market price fluctuations exceeding 3% while engaging in intraday trading. Excessive fluctuations could expose you to substantial losses if the market takes an unfavorable turn.

4. Seek a Strong Correlation

Opt for intraday shares that exhibit a strong correlation with benchmark indices from reputable stock exchanges. When the index experiences significant fluctuations, the share prices will likely follow suit. Benchmark indices comprise the shares of top-listed companies, and they tend to trend upward in the absence of economic anomalies. By adhering to this rule, you can anticipate substantial capital appreciation through intraday trading.

5. Evaluate Trade Volume

Intraday traders can assess a security’s trade volume index to identify potential price fluctuations. A higher trade volume index reflects either increased demand or supply, depending on the underlying company’s performance. In such cases, capital appreciation can be achieved through both buying and selling transactions, making it a valuable aspect to consider in your trading strategy.

6. What is Technical Analysis?

Technical analysis in intraday trading involves the meticulous study of market trends, price fluctuations, trading volume, and various other factors to derive calculated trading signals, primarily for short-term trading. There are several intraday trading books available to study chart patterns and other factors. It serves as a vital compass for traders operating within the constraints of a narrow intraday trading window and allows them to navigate the landscape of buying and selling. Through chart analysis, candlestick patterns, and technical indicators, intraday traders can make informed decisions, select promising stocks, and potentially capitalize on market movements.

What are some successful intraday trading strategies?

In the dynamic world of intraday trading, employing the right strategies can make the difference between success and potential losses. Here are some successful intraday trading strategies to consider:

1. Momentum Trading Strategy

This strategy involves capitalizing on market momentum by investing in stocks expected to make significant moves based on breaking news or market trends. Intraday traders must act swiftly, analyzing news reports before the market opens to make timely investment decisions. The duration of holding securities depends on the market’s speed, with positions held for minutes, hours, or the entire trading day based on market analysis.

2. Reversal Trading Strategy

Reversal trading is a high-risk strategy that involves making investments against prevailing market trends. This strategy requires extensive experience and market knowledge, as it involves identifying pullbacks and assessing their strength. Not recommended for beginners, this approach can be profitable when executed by seasoned traders.

3. Breakout Trading Strategy

This strategy is considered a golden strategy for intraday trading. It hinges on precise timing, identifying threshold points where stock prices either rise above or fall below a specific level. Intraday traders take long positions if prices surpass the threshold or short positions if prices drop below it. The strategy is based on the premise that breaking threshold points leads to increased price volatility and trend continuation.

4. Gap and Go Trading Strategy

In this strategy, traders target stocks that open with gaps either higher (gap up) or lower (gap down) than the previous day due to news catalysts. Traders bet that these gaps will close by the end of the trading day, providing an opportunity for short-term profit. This strategy is suitable for those seeking quick intraday profit with relatively lower risk.

5. Moving Average Crossover Strategy

The moving average crossover strategy utilizes moving averages to identify market trends. When stock prices cross above the moving average, it signals an uptrend, while prices falling below indicate a downtrend. Traders use this information in conjunction with catalysts like news to make well-timed investments.

How to Manage Risks and Emotions?

Managing risks and emotions in intraday trading is a critical aspect of maintaining a successful and sustainable trading approach. To effectively manage risks, it’s essential to employ intraday trading strategies like setting stop-loss orders, determining proper position sizing to align with your risk tolerance, diversifying your portfolio, evaluating risk-reward ratios for each trade, and maintaining a comprehensive trading journal. These measures help safeguard your capital and minimize potential losses, ensuring that a single trade’s outcome doesn’t jeopardize your overall financial stability.

Emotions can play a significant role in intraday trading. It’s crucial to remain calm and composed, developing mental discipline to prevent impulsive actions driven by fear or greed. Having a well-defined trading plan and sticking to it can mitigate emotional reactions to short-term market fluctuations. Additionally, the use of technical analysis and data-driven indicators can help traders make objective decisions, reducing emotional bias. Patience, avoiding revenge trading, taking regular breaks, accepting losses as part of the process, and continuous learning contribute to effective emotion management. By following these practices, intraday traders can enhance their trading performance and minimize the impact of emotions on their decision-making, ultimately increasing their chances of success in this fast-paced and challenging trading environment.


1. Lower Risk

Intraday trading minimizes the risk of substantial losses. This is because securities are bought and sold within the same trading day, reducing exposure to extended price fluctuations that can result in losses in standard trading during market downturns.

2. Lower Commission Charges

Intraday trading typically incurs nominal fees from stockbrokers. These charges are lower due to the absence of delivery expenses and the inclusion of stock transaction taxes, trade fees, and service taxes within the brokerage fees. In comparison to standard trading, the brokerage fees for intraday trading are generally just a fraction, approximately one-tenth.

3. Higher Profits

Intraday trading is renowned for its potential to generate substantial wealth, provided traders employ accurate investment strategies. Investors can easily achieve capital appreciation in a rising stock market. Additionally, during adverse market conditions, intraday traders can profit by employing short-selling techniques.

4. Liquidity

Intraday trading provides a unique advantage by allowing investors to quickly recover their invested funds at any time. Unlike traditional asset purchase transactions, it does not lock up capital and preserve an investor’s liquidity to meet personal financial needs.

5. Capital Gains through Market Fluctuations

Intraday trading offers the flexibility to profit in both bullish and bearish markets, depending on the chosen investment strategy. Investors can achieve capital appreciation during a bullish market by buying and selling securities listed on stock exchanges. Similarly, during a stock market downturn, profits can be realized by engaging in short-selling financial instruments.

Important Intraday Trading Tips:-

1. Comprehensive Research

Success in intraday trading begins with a deep understanding of the current market conditions, company fundamentals, and macroeconomic factors like a nation’s debt status or currency movements. Informed decisions based on diligent research are essential.

2. Invest Wisely

Given the inherent risks in intraday trading, it’s advisable to invest only what you can afford to lose. Wise financial management is key to mitigating potential losses.

3. Avoid Overtrading

The stock market doesn’t always follow predictable patterns. To navigate this uncertainty, understand the intraday trading time and limit your exposure by trading a select few scripts at a time. Avoid the temptation to overtrade, which can lead to hasty decisions.

4. Performance Analysis

Intraday trading is fluid and dynamic. Keep a detailed record of your trading results, both wins and losses, to gain insights into what strategies worked and what didn’t. Past performance evaluations are invaluable for making more informed trading decisions in the future.

5. Intraday Trading Indicators

Booking profits in intraday trading requires a comprehensive approach. It’s crucial to know that no single indicator holds all the answers. It can be helpful when incorporated into a well-thought-out plan to maximize returns. Combine them with a strategic approach for the best results.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, it is a dynamic and potentially rewarding strategy, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Success in this requires thorough research, wise investment decisions, disciplined trading, ongoing performance evaluation, and the use of intraday trading indicators as part of a comprehensive plan. You can also go on an intraday trading course. It’s essential to approach intraday trading with caution, recognizing the inherent risks and volatility. By following these strategies and share market intraday tips, traders can navigate the world of intraday trading more effectively.

FAQs – Intraday Trading

1. How can I manage risks and emotions in intraday trading?

Ans. To manage risks, use strategies like setting stop-loss orders, proper position sizing, diversification, and evaluating risk-reward ratios. To manage emotions, remain disciplined, have a trading plan, use technical analysis, and practice patience.

2. What is the maximum number of intraday trades one can make?

Ans. There isn’t a specific cap on the number of trades you can trade intraday. But, it’s important to be cautious, as trading in multiple stocks simultaneously can be risky and may hinder your ability to closely monitor the trends and patterns of any single stock.

3. How can I complete the settlement for intraday trading?

Ans. In intraday trading, the trader must square off their position on the same day, regardless of whether it results in a profit or a loss.

4. Is it possible to hold onto intraday shares overnight?

Ans. If you choose not to close your position by the end of the day, some brokerage plans might automatically sell your stocks at the closing price of the day. If you wish there is also the option of converting your intraday position to delivery.

5. What is the optimal time frame for intraday trading?

Ans. In India, certain experts suggest that the most favorable time frame for intraday trading is typically between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM, as well as from 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM.

6. Which is the best intraday strategy?

Ans. Among the various intraday strategies, momentum trading stands out as one of the most effective when a distinct market trend is evident. This particular intraday trading strategy proves its worth when there is a robust price momentum in a specific direction. It allows you to execute orders that are in sync with the market trend.

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