Portfolio Health Score

Now determine the overall performance of your stock portfolio with us

Portfolio Health Check-Up or Portfolio Health Score, which is based on in-depth research and analysis by HMA Trading, gives you a clear action plan for managing your portfolio and allows you to rapidly analyse your allocation of stocks and mutual funds.

Your equity and mutual fund portfolio will be expertly restructured using our cutting-edge portfolio restructuring tool, Portfolio Health Check-Up. You may immediately analyse and rearrange your portfolio and receive precise guidance to profit from the current market and economic conditions.


Free portfolio restructuring and review with Anywhere, Anytime Portfolio Access.


We offer a model portfolio for you based on your risk-return profile by identifying stocks and mutual fund schemes where your portfolio is overweight or underweight and requires adjustment.


With simple-to-read charts, we provide you a complete analysis of how your portfolio is performing or how each of your MF assets is doing for you.


Get the most recent research reports, updates, and news on the investments in your portfolio with just one click.

HMA Trading’s Portfolio Health Score is the essential service for any broker, asset manager, or financial influencer who wants to grow their business while enabling their clients to make the best possible investment decisions.

  • Create leads by letting potential prospects know about our portfolio analysis.
  • With our white-labelled investing tool, strengthen your brand.
  • Boost client satisfaction with our value-added service

FAQs – Portfolio Health Score

Why should I do a Portfolio health check?

The first step to solving a problem is identifying and acknowledging a problem. HMA Trading’s portfolio health check will help you do just that. Help you figure out what is stopping your portfolio from out-performing those of your peers.

What would be the end result of my portfolio health check-up?

In other words, having a second opinion on all of your investments will not only help you decide which stocks to keep and which ones to sell, but it will also help you decide where to put your money if you decide to sell.

Is there any cost of portfolio health score?

Yes! After you submit the required details about your stocks, we do the portfolio health check for you free of charge.

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